Currently the small farmer in most of these locations is the victim of his size and hence at the mercy of a chain of middlemen. In some locations, the middlemen essentially lock down a very low price at the farm level despite making the farmer go through all the stages of the farm to market auction chain. The farmer essentially loses title to his commodity early on in the chain and watches with despair and few other options than see his produce being sold at good margins that are mostly retained by the middlemen.
It is not easy for small farmers to break this vicious cycle. Many of them are paid weeks, if not months later for their produce while the middlemen circulate the money into other speculative activities. Also, the farmer is often left with having to deal with ongoing expenses of water, utilities, electric, fuel, fertilizers etc while he is still waiting to get paid. Many of them end up taking short term loans at high interest rates and often break down under the debts. Suicide rates are relatively high in some nations amongst the poor farmers. Meanwhile, the middlemen that have access to the end buyer or markets control this access to market, price information, demand etc resulting in the small farmers who are unable to get access to or share this information being cut out from the process.
In some locations, local governments are trying to help the small farmer and provide him with more timely market information, price and demand information, access to buyers etc but the lack of effectiveness of this approach, often lack of follow up, change of government, policies, priorities, lack of funding, in some cases corruption, diversion of funds for political and other reasons all result in poor conversion to actual measurable benefits to the small farmer.
Green Jaguar farmers wholesale markets provide farmers direct access to buyers in the locations where it is setting up these markets. In many cases, this is the first time the small farmer is getting such direct access. It is a very disruptive approach wherein many of the middlemen are being eliminated from the farm to consumer chain. The consumer is able to get quality product locally at lower prices while the farmer gains the most by holding on to bigger part of the margin.